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Our pension «Pensiunina» was built in the early 17th century as an Engadine farmhouse. Since 60 years it offers guests of the Lower Engadine a place to linger, relax and enjoy. It is our aim to preserve this tradition and yet use our creative, open and uncomplicated way to breathe new life into the Pensiunina.


We are committed to sustainability in all areas. Our delicious jams are cooked and filled up in our own kitchen, our herbal teas grow in our own garden and the lovely alpine meadows of the Lower Engadine. We get all our foodstuff and treats from local farmers and health food stores in the neigbourhood.


In addition to our bed & breakfast we want to open our premises for artistic and cultural events to offer artists and guests likewise a special atmosphere and an unforgettable experience.

If you feel like spending a relaxing and fulfilling sojourn in Sent, “Pensiunina” is the place to be. No matter how long you plan to stay with us, e.g. as a remote worker, artist, long-term hiker etc. you are welcome. Contact us 


We look forward to having you with us.




Madlaina Vital and her life partner Natio Achana look forward to welcoming you in their Pensiunina. Madlaina belongs to the deeply rooted Vital familiy in Sent which has gained worldwide popularity through her uncle Not Vital. Her father Duri Vital is a recognised and successful Swiss architect who was responsible for the reconstruction of the Pensiunina. Madlaina is also an artist and has immortalized herself in many corners of the house with her works.


Natio Achana is a real Fricktaler man with Ghanaian roots. As a DJ he enriched the Swiss nightlife with his passion for good music for many years. This passion will now find a place in different cultural events in the Pensiunina. The couple got to know and love each other some years ago in Zurich.


After their final renovation of “Pensiunina” they now look forward to opening the doors to you and offer you a wonderful place of retreat through which your stay becomes a special experience.



Overview of all rooms with pictures and prices.






Tarasp Castle

Butia la Strietta

Café Ajüz

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